05/03/10–An application recently went live on the ESRI Oil Spill Web site that uses ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server to leverage location-based feeds and enable volunteered geographic information (VGI) concerning the Gulf oil spill disaster.
This interactive map allows you to
view several feeds, including recent news and YouTube videos. It also allows users to add points with links to online photos, websites, and more. This application is powered by ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online, and the ability to add content
is provided by ArcGIS Server 10 beta hosted in the Amazon Web Service
You can choose from several ArcGIS Online basemaps; World Streets, World Imagery, and World Topographic.
YouTube, news feeds, and other location-based services and spill-related map layers (including spill areas) are also incorporated into the application.
To add your own information on the map, such as links to websites, photos, videos, and other relevant information, choose a feature icon, click on the map, and provide a link to your content.
Please feel free to add current information to the map and increase
everyone’s awareness of activities related to this event.